Tag: Bletchley 2023

King Charles on AI

As the Bletchley AI Summit began today this short video from King Charles was released. Like his Father, Charles has been an advocate for technology and innovation, he’s able to see the huge potential, revolutionary opportunities of AI. Yet, he appeals for international collaboration to recognise and manage risk, keeping it safe and secure. King […]

AI Summit

The Bletchley Park AI Summit begins in just two days and is already generating plenty of news stories and a small but growing series of articles on the website. It’s helpful to see five objectives layed out, which are: There was also a significant announcement from the White House today about their AI policy and […]

Sunak on AI

Next week the UK will host an AI Safety Summit in Bletchley. In preparation Rishi Sunak delivered a speech this week to set the scene. Here are some highlights: The main appeal of the speech is one of honesty – being upfront about the risks, but also hopeful of the opportunities.